1. 外商投资有哪些形式?
2. 外商投资的主管部门是什么?
3. 外商投资需要审批吗?中国对外商投资实施怎样的管理制度?
4. 外商投资企业应当如何准备登记材料?
(1) 拟任法定代表人签署的《外商投资的公司设立登记申请书》
(2) 审批机关的批准文件(批复和批准证书副本1)
(3) 公司章程
(4) 《名称预先核准通知书》
(5) 投资者的主体资格证明或自然人身份证明
(6) 董事、监事和经理的任职文件及身份证明复印件
(7) 法定代表人任职文件和身份证明复印件
(8) 依法设立的验资机构出具的验资证明
(9) 股东首次出资是非货币财产的,提交已办理财产权转移手续的证明文件
(10) 公司住所证明
(11) 创立大会的会议记录
(12) 前置审批文件或证件
(13) 法律文件送达授权委托书
(14) 其它有关文件
5. 外商投资享有哪些优惠待遇?
6. 外商投资企业是否可以在中国融资?
7. 外商投资企业能否参与政府采购项目?
《外商投资法实施条例》第四十二条 政府采购的采购人、采购代理机构以不合理的条件对外商投资企业实行差别待遇或者歧视待遇的,依照政府采购法及其实施条例的规定追究其法律责任;影响或者可能影响中标、成交结果的,依照政府采购法及其实施条例的规定处理。
8. 外商投资者汇入、汇出款项的币种、数额、频次有无限制?
9. 港澳台地区以及定居在国外的中国公民投资适用什么样的法律规定?
10. 什么是外商投资企业5年过渡期?
11. 哪些行业/项目在中国禁止外商投资?
序号 | 特别管理措施 |
一、农、林、牧、渔业 | |
1 | 小麦、玉米新品种选育和种子生产的中方股比不低于34%。 |
2 | 禁止投资中国稀有和特有的珍贵优良品种的研发、养殖、种植以及相关繁殖材料的生产(包括种植业、畜牧业、水产业的优良基因)。 |
3 | 禁止投资农作物、种畜禽、水产苗种转基因品种选育及其转基因种子(苗)生产。 |
二、采矿业 | |
4 | 禁止投资稀土、放射性矿产、钨勘查、开采及选矿。(未经允许,禁止进入稀土矿区或取得矿山地质资料、矿石样品及生产工艺技术。) |
三、制造业 | |
5 | 除专用车、新能源汽车、商用车外,汽车整车制造的中方股比不低于50%,同一家外商可在国内建立两家及两家以下生产同类整车产品的合资企业。(2022年取消乘用车制造外资股比限制以及同一家外商可在国内建立两家及两家以下生产同类整车产品的合资企业的限制) |
6 | 卫星电视广播地面接收设施及关键件生产。 |
四、电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业 | |
7 | 核电站的建设、经营须由中方控股。 |
五、批发和零售业 | |
8 | 禁止投资烟叶、卷烟、复烤烟叶及其他烟草制品的批发、零售。 |
六、交通运输、仓储和邮政业 | |
9 | 国内水上运输公司须由中方控股。(且不得经营或租用中国籍船舶或者舱位等方式变相经营国内水路运输业务及其辅助业务;水路运输经营者不得使用外国籍船舶经营国内水路运输业务,但经中国政府批准,在国内没有能够满足所申请运输要求的中国籍船舶,并且船舶停靠的港口或者水域为对外开放的港口或者水域的情况下,水路运输经营者可以在中国政府规定的期限或者航次内,临时使用外国籍船舶经营中国港口之间的海上运输和拖航。) |
10 | 公共航空运输公司须由中方控股,且一家外商及其关联企业投资比例不得超过25%,法定代表人须由中国籍公民担任。通用航空公司的法定代表人须由中国籍公民担任,其中农、林、渔业通用航空公司限于合资,其他通用航空公司限于中方控股。(只有中国公共航空运输企业才能经营国内航空服务,并作为中国指定承运人提供定期和不定期国际航空服务。) |
11 | 民用机场的建设、经营须由中方相对控股。外方不得参与建设、运营机场塔台。 |
12 | 禁止投资邮政公司(和经营邮政服务)、信件的国内快递业务。 |
七、信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业 | |
13 | 电信公司:限于中国入世承诺开放的电信业务,增值电信业务的外资股比不超过50%(电子商务、国内多方通信、存储转发类、呼叫中心除外),基础电信业务须由中方控股(且经营者须为依法设立的专门从事基础电信业务的公司)。上海自贸试验区原有区域(28.8平方公里)试点政策推广至所有自贸试验区执行。 |
14 | 禁止投资互联网新闻信息服务、网络出版服务、网络视听节目服务、互联网文化经营(音乐除外)、互联网公众发布信息服务(上述服务中,中国入世承诺中已开放的内容除外)。 |
八、租赁和商务服务业 | |
15 | 禁止投资中国法律事务(提供有关中国法律环境影响的信息除外),不得成为国内律师事务所合伙人。(外国律师事务所只能以代表机构的方式进入中国,且不得聘用中国执业律师,聘用的辅助人员不得为当事人提供法律服务;如在华设立代表机构、派驻代表,须经中国司法行政部门许可。) |
16 | 市场调查限于合资,其中广播电视收听、收视调查须由中方控股。 |
17 | 禁止投资社会调查。 |
九、科学研究和技术服务业 | |
18 | 禁止投资人体干细胞、基因诊断与治疗技术开发和应用。 |
19 | 禁止投资人文社会科学研究机构。 |
20 | 禁止投资大地测量、海洋测绘、测绘航空摄影、地面移动测量、行政区域界线测绘,地形图、世界政区地图、全国政区地图、省级及以下政区地图、全国性教学地图、地方性教学地图、真三维地图和导航电子地图编制,区域性的地质填图、矿产地质、地球物理、地球化学、水文地质、环境地质、地质灾害、遥感地质等调查(矿业权人在其矿业权范围内开展工作不受此特别管理措施限制)。 |
十、教育 | |
21 | 学前、普通高中和高等教育机构限于中外合作办学,须由中方主导(校长或者主要行政负责人应当具有中国国籍(且在中国境内定居),理事会、董事会或者联合管理委员会的中方组成人员不得少于1/2)。(外国教育机构、其他组织或者个人不得单独设立以中国公民为主要招生对象的学校及其他教育机构(不包括非学制类职业培训机构、学制类职业教育机构),但是外国教育机构可以同中国教育机构合作举办以中国公民为主要招生对象的教育机构。) |
22 | 禁止投资义务教育机构、宗教教育机构。 |
十一、卫生和社会工作 | |
23 | 医疗机构限于合资。 |
十二、文化、体育和娱乐业 | |
24 | 禁止投资新闻机构(包括但不限于通讯社)。(外国新闻机构在中国境内设立常驻新闻机构、向中国派遣常驻记者,须经中国政府批准。外国通讯社在中国境内提供新闻的服务业务须由中国政府审批。中外新闻机构业务合作,须中方主导,且须经中国政府批准。) |
25 | 禁止投资图书、报纸、期刊、音像制品和电子出版物的编辑、出版、制作业务。(但经中国政府批准,在确保合作中方的经营主导权和内容终审权并遵守中国政府批复的其他条件下,中外出版单位可进行新闻出版中外合作出版项目。未经中国政府批准,禁止在中国境内提供金融信息服务。) |
26 | 禁止投资各级广播电台(站)、电视台(站)、广播电视频道(率)、广播电视传输覆盖网(发射台、转播台、广播电视卫星、卫星上行站、卫星收转站、微波站、监测台及有线广播电视传输覆盖网等),禁止从事广播电视视频点播业务和卫星电视广播地面接收设施安装服务。(对境外卫星频道落地实行审批制度。) |
27 | 禁止投资广播电视节目制作经营(含引进业务)公司。(引进境外影视剧和以卫星传送方式引进其他境外电视节目由广电总局指定的单位申报。对中外合作制作电视剧(含电视动画片)实行许可制度。) |
28 | 禁止投资电影制作公司、发行公司、院线公司以及电影引进业务。(但经批准,允许中外企业合作摄制电影。) |
29 | 禁止投资文物拍卖的拍卖公司、文物商店和国有文物博物馆。(禁止不可移动文物及国家禁止出境的文物转让、抵押、出租给外国人。禁止设立与经营非物质文化遗产调查机构;境外组织或个人在中国境内进行非物质文化遗产调查和考古调查、勘探、发掘,应采取与中国合作的形式并经专门审批许可。) |
30 | 文艺表演团体须由中方控股。 |
12. 什么是负面清单?
13. 企业登记(备案)涉及外商投资负面清单由哪些部门审查和监管?
14. 外商投资企业的经营范围涉及外商投资负面清单,是否还需要到商务部门办理审批手续?
15. 在哪些情形下外商投资企业需要提交信息报告,信息报告有哪些类型?
(1) 初始登记时由外国投资者履行报告义务。
(2) 企业设立后,后续发生报告事项变更的,由外商投资企业办理变更报告。
(3) 企业设立后,每年度再由外商投资企业办理年度报告。
(4) 外商投资举办的投资性公司、创业投资企业和以投资为主要业务的合伙企业在境内投资设立的企业,该类再投资企业需要参照外商投资企业的规定报送投资信息。
(1) 初始报告,初始报告是指外商投资企业初始设立或者内资企业转变为外商投资企业时的报告。
(2) 变更报告
(3) 注销或转内资报告
(4) 年度报告
16. 外商投资的哪些主体需要提交信息报告?
(1) 外国投资者;
(2) 外商投资企业;
(3) 外国(地区)企业在中国境内设立从事生产经营活动的常驻代表机构。
17. 外商投资企业初始信息报告是否必须在企业登记(备案)前完成?
(1) 外国投资者在中国境内设立外商投资企业,应在办理外商投资企业设立登记时通过企业登记系统提交初始报告。
(2) 但在商务部、市场监管总局有关司局负责人就《外商投资信息报告办法》有关问题答记者问时,相关负责人明确,报送投资信息并不是外国投资者或者外商投资企业办理企业登记或其他手续的前置条件。市场监管部门也不对外商投资信息报告进行审查。也就是说,申请人在提交企业设立登记申请后,可以继续通过企业登记系统填写外商投资信息报告,其后由市场监督管理部门将该报告推送至商务部门。
18. 外商投资鼓励类项目有哪些类别?
(1) 农、林、牧、渔业
(2) 采矿业
(3) 制造业
A. 农副食品加工业
B. 食品制造业
C. 酒、饮料和精制茶制造业
D. 纺织业
E. 纺织服装、服饰业
F. 皮革、毛皮、羽毛及其制品和制鞋业
G. 木材加工和木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业
H. 文教、工美、体育和娱乐用品制造业
I. 石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业
J. 化学原料和化学制品制造业
K. 医药制造业
L. 化学纤维制造业
M. 橡胶和塑料制品业
N. 非金属矿物制品业
O. 有色金属冶炼和压延加工业
P. 金属制品业
Q. 通用设备制造业
R. 专用设备制造业
S. 汽车制造业
T. 铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业
U. 电气机械和器材制造业
V. 计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业
W. 仪器仪表制造业
X. 废弃资源综合利用业
(4) 电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业
(5) 交通运输、仓储和邮政业
(6) 批发和零售业
(7) 信息传输、软件和技术服务业
(8) 租赁和商务服务业
(9) 科学研究和技术服务业
(10) 水利、环境和公共设施管理业
(11) 教育
(12) 卫生和社会工作
(13) 文化、体育和娱乐业
19. 外商投资项目是否需要申请核准、备案?核准、备案时是否涉及负面清单的核查?
根据《外商投资信息报告办法》及商务部《关于外商投资信息报告有关事项的公告》等文件规定,外国投资者或者外商投资企业应当提交 “初始报告、变更报告、注销报告及年度报告”共4种类型报告。其中,外商投资企业在境内设立登记,并购境内非外商投资企业,或境内非外商投资企业变更为外商投资企业时,应当通过企业登记系统提交初始报告。但是,报送投资信息不是外国投资者或者外商投资企业办理企业登记或其他手续的前置条件。市场监管部门也不对外商投资信息报告进行审查。
20. 中国对外资企业,营商环境具体将有哪些变化趋势?
1. What are the types of foreign investment?
According to Article 2 of theForeign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China, foreign investmentmentioned in this Law refers to the investment activities of foreign naturalpersons, enterprises or other organizations (hereinafter referred to as foreigninvestors) directly or indirectly within the territory of China, including thefollowing circumstances:
(1)Foreign investors set up foreign-invested enterprises in China alone orjointly with other investors;
(2)Foreign investors obtain shares, equities, property shares or othersimilar rights and interests of enterprises within the territory of China;
(3)Foreign investors investing in new projects in China or jointly withother investors;
(4)Other investment prescribed by laws, administrative regulations orspecified by the State Council.
Foreign-invested enterprises mentioned in this Lawrefer to enterprises that are wholly or partly invested by foreign investorsand registered within the territory of China under the Chinese laws.
2. Which department is in charge of foreign investment?
As is stated in Article 5 ofthe Implementation Regulations for the Foreign Investment Law of the People’sRepublic of China, the State Council departments in charge of commerce andinvestment, other relevant departments as well as local people’s governments atthe county level or above shall promote, protect and manage foreign investment.
In addition, local people's governments atthe county level or above shall strengthen organization and leadership ofefforts on the promotion, protection, and management of foreign investment,supporting and urging relevant departments to follow laws and regulations, andtheir duties and division of labor, to carry out efforts on the promotion,protection, and management of foreign investment, and promptly adjust andresolve major problems in the efforts to promote, protect, and manage foreigninvestment.
3. Shall the foreign investment conduct examination and approval? Whatmanagement system does China implement to foreign investment?
No. The system of approval andfiling with the commercial department is cancelled in the current foreigninvestment system of China. As of January 1, 2020, a foreign-investedenterprise, whether or not involved with the Special Administrative Measuresfor Foreign Investment Market Access (Negative Lists), does not need to conductapproval or filing separately with the commercial department, but shall performthe investment information reporting instead.
According to Article 4 of theForeign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China, the State maintains asystem of pre-entry national treatment plus a negative list management forforeign investment.
The so-called pre-entrynational treatment refers to the treatment given to foreign investors and theirinvestment at the stage of investment admission no less than that to domesticinvestors and their investments; the so-called negative list refers to thespecial administrative measures that are adopted for the admission of foreigninvestment in specific areas. The State gives national treatment to foreigninvestment outside the negative list.
The negative list is issued orapproved by the State Council.
Where international treatiesor agreements concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China providefor more preferential treatments for the admission of foreign investment, therelevant provisions may be applied.
4. How should a foreign-invested enterprise prepare for the materials ofregistration?
Onlineapplication and offline submitting materials is applicable to enterpriseregistration now. Currently, there is no uniform enterprise registration systemnationwide, with the enterprise registration system set up in the provinces andcities respectively. Take Shanghai for example. If a foreign-investedenterprise intends to handle the establishment registration through onlinedeclaration, it may submit the application online via “One Window Access” ofstarting an enterprise (yct.sh.gov.cn/portal_yct), and may, upon passage ofreview by the market supervision department, submit the paper materials forhandling the registration offline with the market supervision department. Anewly established foreign-invested enterprise (including a domestic enterpriseconverted to a foreign-invested enterprise) may, upon completion of onlineapplication, prepare for follow-up submitting of the materials forregistration, according to Notice on Standard Application Documentation forEnterprise Registration and Standard Materials to Submit for EnterpriseRegistration pursuant to the Law (Guo Shi Jian Zhu [2019] No. 2) of the GeneralAdministration of Market Supervision.
Documents andmaterials required for establishment registration of a foreign-investedenterprise and an enterprise with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investment
(1) Application for Establishment Registration of a Foreign-invested Enterprisesigned by the legal representative to be appointed
(2) Approval documents of the approval authority (approval and one copy of theapproval certificate)
(3) Articles of Association
(4) Notice on Pre-approval of the Name
(5) Certification of the right as principal or the identity certification of anatural person of the investor
(6) Copies of the appointment documents and identity certification of thedirectors, supervisors and managers
(7) Copies of the appointment document and identity certification of the legalrepresentative
(8) Certificate of Capital Verification issued by a legally established capitalverification institution
(9) In the event of any non-monetary assets as the first capital contributionby shareholders, submit the documents to prove completion of the formalitiesfor the property right transfer
(10) Certification of the corporate domicile
(11) Meeting minutes of the founding meeting
(12) Pre-positioned approval documents or certificates
(13) Power of attorney for delivery of legal documents
(14) Other relevant documents
Please refer to the below link for specificmaterials:
5. What preferential treatment can be enjoyed by the foreign investment?
According to Article 12 ofImplementation Regulations for the Foreign Investment Law of the People’sRepublic of China, foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises may enjoypreferential treatment in accordance with the provisions of laws,administrative regulations, or the State Council, in areas such as publicfinance, tax, finance and land use.
Where foreign investors expand their investments in mainland China withthe earnings from their investments in mainland China, they are to lawfullyenjoy corresponding benefits.
With regardsto the foreign investment project which is encouraged and is restricted (B)subject to the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment andtransfers the technology, the import of self-use equipment within the totalinvestment amount can be exempted from the import tariff and the value addedtax in the import process, except the commodities listed in the Catalogue ofImported Commodities without Exemption from Taxes in the Foreign InvestmentProjects.
As totechnical transformation of the already established encouraged and restricted(B) foreign-invested enterprise, research and development center with foreigninvestment, foreign-invested enterprises of advanced technology and productsexport (referred to as Five Type Enterprises), the import of self-use equipmentand matched technologies, accessories and spare parts thereof which cannot beproduced at home or whose performance fails to satisfy the need by means of itsown funds outside the total investment amount, can be exempted from the importtariff and the value added tax in the import process, to the extent of theoriginally approved business and operation scope.
6. May the foreign-invested enterprises finance in China?
Yes. Foreign-invested enterprises may, in accordance with the law, financethrough public offering of stocks, corporate bonds and other securities.
7. Can the foreign-invested enterprise participate in the governmentprocurement project?
As is stipulated in Article 42of the Implementation Regulations of the Foreign Investment Law, where thepurchasing agent and purchasing agencies of the government procurement adoptdifferential treatment or discriminatory treatment to the foreign-investedenterprise on unreasonable conditions, legal responsibilities shall beinvestigated as per the Government Procurement Law and its implementationregulations. Where the results of successful bidding or conclusion of businessare affected or may be affected, the handling shall be subject to theGovernment Procurement Law and its implementation regulations.
Where the administrativesupervision department for government procurement has any overdue handling forthe complaint of the foreign-invested enterprise, disciplinary measures will betaken against the officer in direct charge and other directly responsibleofficers pursuant to the law.
Therefore, the purchasing agent and purchasing agencies of the governmentprocurement shall treat the foreign-invested enterprise on reasonableconditions, performing procurement in a reasonable manner as per the GovernmentProcurement Law and its implementation regulations. In the event of any act affectingor possibly affecting the results of successful bidding or conclusion ofbusiness, the state will handle in accordance with the Government ProcurementLaw and its implementation regulations.
8. Are there any restrictions over the currency, amounts and frequency ofimport or export of foreign investors?
As is prescribed in Article 22of the Implementation Regulations for the Foreign Investment Law of thePeople’s Republic of China, foreign investors’ capital contributions, profits,capital gains, income from asset disposal, intellectual property rightroyalties, compensation or indemnification obtained in accordance with law,liquidation income, and so forth, that are made or obtained in mainland China,may be freely transferred into or out of mainland China in RMB or foreignexchange in accordance with law; and the currency, amounts, and frequency ofimport or export, must not be restricted by any unit or individual. Hence,there are no restrictions on the currency, amounts and frequency of import or exportof foreign investors.
9. What laws and regulations shall apply in terms of investors from the HongKong and Macao Special Administrative Regions and Chinese citizens residing ina foreign country?
According to theImplementation Regulations for the Foreign Investment Law of the People’sRepublic of China, treatment of the Regulations regarding applicable laws forspecial investors is classified into three cases.
(1)For investors from the Hong Kong and Macao Special AdministrativeRegions,
in principle, refer to theForeign Investment Law and the Regulations, except where laws, administrativeregulations or the State Council provide otherwise;
(2)For investors from Taiwan region,
In principle, the provisionsof the P.R.C. Law on the Protection of Investments by Taiwan Compatriots andthe Implementation Regulations for the P.R.C. Law on the Protection ofInvestments by Taiwan Compatriots shall apply; and where the P.R.C. Law on theProtection of Investments by Taiwan Compatriots and the Implementation Regulationsthereof do not have provisions, implementation is to be with reference to theForeign Investment Law and these Regulations.
(3)For Chinese citizensresiding in a foreign country,
in principle, refer to theForeign Investment Law and the Regulations, except where laws, administrativeregulations or the State Council provide otherwise.
10. What is the 5-year transition period for a foreign-invested enterprise?
By the “5-year transitionperiod for a foreign-invested enterprise”, it refers to a transition periodof 5 years granted to a foreign-invested enterprise for the form andorganizational structure thereof, pursuant to the regulations of the current ForeignInvestment Law of the People’s Republic of China in effect and underimplementation, which is already established in accordance with “Three Laws forForeign Investment”, that is, the Law of the People’s Republic of China onWholly Foreign-owned Enterprises, the Law of the People’s Republic of China onSino-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, and the Law of the People’s Republic ofChina on Sino-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures. That is to say, the saidforeign-invested enterprise may keep the original organizational structurewithin 5 years.
Please see the chart below for specifics as per theImplementation Regulations for the Foreign Investment Law.
Notes:[the chart is abstracted from Lawyer Tao Wanshi: Graphic Illustration | 2020Foreign Investment Protection and Supervision
Transitional Period Proposal for the Organizational System of a Foreign-Invested Enterprise | |
Within five years: | As of January 1, 2025 |
May adjust the organizational form and structure according to law; May keep the original organizational form and structure of the enterprise. | As for the foreign-invested enterprise that has not handled the amendment registration, other registration matters will not be handled and such enterprise will be publicized. |
Year 2020 | Year 2025 |
11. Which industries / projects prohibit foreign investment in China?
According to the Order of the National Development andReform Committee of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry of Commerceof the People’s Republic of China (No. 33)
Special AdministrativeMeasures of the Pilot Free Trade Zone for Foreign Investment Access (NegativeLists) 2020 Revision
No. | Special Administrative Measures |
I. Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery | |
1 | Proportion of shares of the Chinese side shall be no lower than 34% for breeding of new varieties of wheat and corn and seed production. |
2 | Prohibit investment in R&D, cultivation and planting of rare and peculiarly precious superior varieties of China and production of relevant breeding materials (including good genes of planting, animal husbandry and aquaculture) |
3 | Prohibit investment in breeding of genetically modified varieties of crops, livestock and poultry, aquatic product seedlings and production of their genetically modified seeds (seedlings). |
II. Mining Industry | |
4 | Prohibit investment in the exploration, mining and mineral separation of rare earths, radioactive minerals and tungsten. (Without permission, it is forbidden to enter into the rare earth mining areas or obtain the mining geological data, ore samples and production process and technology.) |
III. Manufacturing Industries | |
5 | Except the special vehicle, new energy automobile and the commercial vehicles, the ratio of shares held by Chinese party in the whole vehicle manufacturing shall be no lower than 50%. The same foreign company may establish two and below joint ventures of manufacturing the whole vehicle products of the same kind in China. (Restrictions on share ratio of foreign investment in passenger vehicle manufacturing and the restriction that the same foreign company can establish two and below joint ventures of manufacturing the whole vehicle products of the same kind in China will be cancelled in 2022) |
6 | Production of ground reception facilities and key components and parts of the satellite television broadcasting. |
IV. Production and Supply of Electric Power, Heating Power, Fuel Gas and Water | |
7 | Construction and operation of the nuclear power station shall be subject to Chinese party as the controlling shareholder |
V. Wholesale and Retail Industries | |
8 | Prohibit investment in wholesale and retail of leaf tobacco, cigarettes, redried leaf tobacco and other tobacco products. |
VI. Transportation, Warehousing and Postal Service Industries | |
9 | The domestic water transportation company shall be subject to Chinese party as the controlling shareholder. (And shall not operate, or lease Chinses ships or shipping space to operate the domestic waterway transport business and its auxiliary business in a disguised form. The operator of waterway transport business shall not use foreign ships to operate the business of domestic waterway transport; however, with approval by the Chinese government, where there are not sufficient Chinese ships that can meet the applied requirements, and the ports or water areas of the ship docking are open ports or water areas, the operator of waterway transport business may, within the time limit or voyage number prescribed by the Chinese government, temporarily use the foreign ships to operate maritime transport and towage between the ports of China. |
10 | A public air transport company shall be subject to Chinese party as the controlling shareholder, ratio of investment of one foreign and its affiliates shall not exceed 25%, with a Chinese nationality citizen to act as the legal representative. The legal representative of a general airline company shall be a Chinese nationality citizen. The general airline companies of agriculture, forestry, and fishing industries are limited to joint ventures, while other genera airline companies shall be subject to Chinese party as the controlling shareholder. (Only the public air transport enterprises of China can operate the domestic air services and provide regular and irregular international air services as the designated carrier of China.) |
11 | Construction and operation of the civil airport shall be subject to Chinese party as the relative shareholder. The foreign party shall not participate in construction and operation of the approach tower. |
12 | Prohibit investment in the postal corporation (and operation of postal service) and domestic express service of letters. |
VII. Information Transmission, Software and Information Technology Services | |
13 | Telecom: limited to the telecommunication service which is open as per China's WTO commitment, with ratio of foreign shares of the value-added telecom business no more than 50% (except e-commerce, domestic multi-party communication, store-and-forward type, and call center), and basic telecommunications subject to Chinese party as the controlling shareholder (and the operator shall be a legitimately incorporated company specializing in the basic telecommunication business).The pilot policy of the original area (28.8 square kilometers) of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone will be extended to execution in all the pilot free trade zones. |
14 | Prohibit investment in Internet news and information service, network publishing service, network audiovisual program service, Internet cultural management (except music), Internet public releasing information service (among the services above, except the contents which are already open in China's WTO commitment) |
VIII. Leasing and Commercial Service Industries | |
15 | Prohibit investment in the Chinese legal affairs (except to provide information on the impact of Chinese legal environment) and shall not become a partner of a domestic law firm.(A foreign law firm may enter into China only via a representative office, and shall not employ a Chinese practicing lawyer, or the auxiliary personnel hired shall not provide legal services for the party concerned; establishment of a representative office and delegating of a representative in China, if any, shall be subject to permission of the judicial administrative department of China.) |
16 | Market survey is limited to a joint venture only, in which survey on radio and television listening and watching shall be subject to Chinese party as the controlling shareholder. |
17 | Prohibit investment in social survey. |
IX. Scientific Research and Technical Service | |
18 | Prohibit investment in development and application of human stem cells, gene diagnosis and therapy technology |
19 | Prohibit investment in research institutes for humanities and social sciences |
20 | Prohibit investment in geodetic survey, marine surveying and mapping, surveying and mapping of aerial photography, ground mobile measuring, surveying and mapping of administrative area boundary, topographic map, the world administrative map, the national administrative map, administrative maps of provinces and below, national teaching maps, local teaching maps, compilation of the true 3D map and navigation electronic map, regional geological mapping, mineral geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrogeology, environmental geology, geological disasters, remote sensing geology and other survey (the mining right person to work within the scope of the mining right is not restricted by the special administrative measures). |
X. Education | |
21 | Preprimary, regular senior secondary schools and higher educational institutions are limited to Sino-foreign cooperation in education, which shall be subject to leadership by the Chinese party (the principal or major administrative executor shall have the Chinese nationality (and settle down within the territory of China), and the council, board of directors or joint management committee shall consist of the Chinese members whose ratio is no less than 1/2).(Foreign educational institutions, other organizations or individuals shall not separately establish the schools and other educational institutions aimed at Chinses citizens as the main enrollment targets (excluding the vocational training institutions of no educational system, and vocational educational institutions of educational system). However, foreign educational institutions may cooperate with Chinese educational institutions to hold an educational institution aimed at Chinese citizens as the main enrollment targets. |
22 | Prohibit investment in compulsory education institutions and religious education institutions. |
XI. Health and Social Services | |
23 | Medical institutions are limited to joint ventures only. |
XII. Cultural, Sports and Entertainment Industries | |
24 | Prohibit investment in news organizations (including but not limited to the news agency). (The foreign new organization establishing a resident news office within the territory of China and delegating a resident correspondent in China shall be subject to approval of the Chinese government. The services of news provided by the foreign news agency within the territory of China shall be subject to approval of the Chinese government. Business cooperation between Chinese and foreign news organizations shall be subject to leadership by China and approval of the Chinese government.) |
25 | Prohibit investment in editing, publishing or production of books, newspapers, periodicals, audio-visual products and electronic publications. (However, with approval of the Chinese Government, Chinese and foreign publishers may carry out Sino-foreign cooperative publishing projects on press and publication, to the extent of the business dominance and final review of contents subject to Chinese party and approval of the Chinese government. Without approval of the Chinese government, it is prohibited to provide financial information services within the territory of China.) |
26 | Prohibit investment in broadcasting radio (station), television (station), radio and television channel (rate), radio and television transmission covering network (transmitting station, rebroadcasting station, broadcasting and television satellites, satellite uplink station, satellite receiving station, microwave station, monitoring station and cable broadcasting and television transmission covering network, etc) at all levels. Prohibit investment in the business of video on demand (VOD) of radio and television and service of installation of ground receiving facilities for satellite television broadcasting. (The approval system will apply for the landing of overseas satellite channels.) |
27 | Prohibit investment in the company of broadcasting and television program production and operation (including the business of introduction). (Introduction of foreign movies and television plays and introduction of other overseas television programs by means of satellite transmission shall be declared by the units designated by the National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA). A licensing system shall apply for the TV plays (including TV cartoon programs) produced through Sino-foreign cooperation.) |
28 | Prohibit investment in the movie production company, distribution company, cinema company and the business of film introduction (but with approval, production of film through cooperation of domestic and foreign enterprise is allowed.) |
29 | Prohibit investment in the auction company of cultural relics auction, the cultural relic store and state-owned cultural relic museum. (Prohibit transfer, mortgage and lease of the immovable cultural heritage and cultural relic prohibited from leaving the country as stipulated by the state to the foreigners. Prohibit establishment and operation of an institution for intangible cultural heritage survey. Any intangible cultural heritage survey as well as archaeological survey, exploration and excavation by any overseas organizations or individuals shall be performed in the manner of cooperation with China and subject to special approval.) |
30 | An artistic performance group shall be subject to Chinese party as the controlling shareholder. |
12. What is the Negative List?
As is prescribed in Article 4of the Foreign Investment Law of the People’s Republic of China, which wasadopted at the second session of the 13th National People's Congress on March15, 2019 and has been implemented as of January 1, 2020,
The State maintains a systemof pre-entry national treatment plus a negative list management for foreigninvestment.
The pre-entry nationaltreatment mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to the treatment given toforeign investors and their investment at the stage of investment admission noless than that to domestic investors and their investments; the so-callednegative list refers to the special administrative measures that are adoptedfor the admission of foreign investment in specific areas. The State gives nationaltreatment to foreign investment outside the negative list.
The negative list is issued orapproved by the State Council (please refer to Article 92 in the text above),which is one of the normative measures of the state in order to “optimize the businessenvironment of the foreign trade and foreign-invested enterprise, furtherimprove the clearance efficiency for import and export and further reducerestrictions on investment and operation for the foreign trade andforeign-invested enterprise.”
13. Which department shall examine and supervise the enterprise registration(filing) involved with the negative list for foreign investment?
According to regulations ofthe Foreign Investment Law, with regards to enterprise registration (filing)involved with the negative list for foreign investment, the investor shall makea commitment and the general administration for market supervision shall carryout examination and review and decide the approval of registration or not asper specific circumstances.
However, in case of any falsefilling out of a foreign-invested enterprise in the enterprise registrationsystem, any investment in the areas which are specified by the negative list,or any follow-up investment activities in violation of the regulations of thenegative list, the relevant competent departments may order the enterprise tostop the investment activities and dispose of the shares, assets or take othernecessary measures within a specified time limit.
14. If the business scope of a foreign-invested enterprise is involved withthe negative list for foreign investment, is it still subject to the approvalor the filing with the commercial department?
According to the regulationsof the Foreign Investment Law, as of January 1, 202, a foreign-invested enterprise,whether or not involved with the Special Administrative Measures for theForeign Investment Access (Negative List) (referred to as the “Negative List”),will no longer be subject to the approval by or the filing with the commercialdepartment separately, but shall perform the investment information reportinginstead.
15. Under which circumstances shall the foreign-invested enterprise submit theinformation report? What are the types of information reports?
As is stated in the ForeignInvestment Law and the Foreign Investment InformationReporting Measures, foreign-invested enterprises need to submit theinformation report in the following cases.
(1) When it comes to initial registration, a foreign investor shall assume theobligations of reporting.
(2) Where the information in the initial report is amended after establishmentof an enterprise, the foreign-invested enterprise shall handle an amendmentreport.
(3) After establishment of an enterprise, the foreign-invested enterpriseshall handle the annual report.
(4) As for the enterprise invested and incorporated within the territory ofChina by the investment-type company, venture capital enterprise and jointventure whose main business is investment invested and held by the foreigninvestment, such kind of reinvestment enterprise needs to report the investmentinformation pursuant to the regulations for a foreign-invested enterprise.
The information report has thefollowing types.
(1) Initial report, a report to submit when a foreign-invested enterprise isinitially established or a domestic enterprise is converted to aforeign-invested enterprise.
(2) Amendment report
When the information in theinitial report is amended, a report of amendment shall be submitted. Ifamendment registration (filing) of the enterprise is involved, theforeign-invested enterprise shall submit a report of the amendment through theenterprise registration system when the amendment registration (filing) of theenterprise is handled. Where the amendment registration (filing) is notinvolved, the foreign-invested enterprise shall submit the amendment reportthrough the enterprise registration system within 20 working days after theamendment occurs.
(3) A report for cancellation or conversion to a domestic enterprise
Where a foreign-investedenterprise is cancelled or converted to a domestic enterprise, it is deemedthat a cancellation report has been submitted after the cancellationregistration or the change registration of the enterprise is completed. Therelevant information shall be sent to the competent commercial authorities bythe market supervision department, and the foreign-invested enterprise does notneed to submit it again.
(4) Annual report
A foreign-invested enterpriseshall submit the annual report of the previous year through the StateEnterprise Credit Information Publicity System from January 1 to June 30 everyyear. The foreign-invested enterprise established in the current year shall submitthe annual report from the next year.
16. Which entities of foreign investment shall submit the information report?
(1) Foreign investors;
(2) Foreign-invested enterprises;
(3) The resident representative office of the foreign (region)enterprise established within the territory of China for engagement inproduction and business activities.
17. Must the initial information report of a foreign-invested enterprise becompleted before the enterprise registration (filing)?
(1) When a foreign investor establishes a foreign-invested enterprisein China, it shall submit an initial report through the enterprise registrationsystem when registering for the establishment of a foreign-invested enterprise.
(2) Nevertheless, on answer to the reporters’ request by the principalsin charge of the Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration for MarketRegulation with respect to relevant questions on the Foreign InvestmentInformation Reporting Measures, relevant principals explicitly state that,investment information reporting is not the precondition for a foreign investoror a foreign-invested enterprise to handle the enterprise registration or gothrough other formalities. The market supervision department will not reviewthe foreign investment information report as well. That is to say, aftersubmitting the application for the establishment of an enterprise, theapplicant may continue to fill out the foreign investment report through theenterprise registration system, after which the market supervision and administrationdepartment will push such report to the Ministry of Commerce.
18. What are the encouraged industries for foreign investment?
According to the Catalogue ofEncouraged Industries for Foreign Investment (2019 edition) and the Catalogueof Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment (2020 edition · Exposure Draft),there are 13 large classes of industries which are encouraged by China forforeign investment, 415 to 471 minor items. Please refer to the specific largeclasses below.
(1) Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
(3) Mining Industry
(4) Manufacturing Industries
A. Agricultural and Sideline Food Processing
B. Food Manufacturing
C. Manufacturing of Wine, Beverage and Refined Tea
D. Textile Industry
E. Textile, Clothing and Apparel Sectors
F. Leathers, Furs, Feathers and Related Products and Shoemaking
G. Wood Processing and Wood, Bamboo, Rattan, Palm Fiber and Straw Products
H. Manufacturing of Supplies for Culture and Education, Industrial Arts,Sports and Entertainment
I. Petroleum Processing, Coking and Nuclear Fuel Processing
J. Manufacturing of Chemical Raw Materials and Chemical Products
K. Pharmaceutical Industry
L. Chemical Fiber Manufacturing
M. Rubber and Plastic Products
N. Nonmetallic Mineral Products
O. Nonferrous Metal Smelting and Rolling Industries
P. Metal Products
Q. General Equipment Manufacturing
R. Special-Purpose Equipment Manufacturing
S. Automobile Manufacturing
T. Manufacturing of Railways, Ships, Aircrafts and Other TransportationEquipment
U. Electric Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
V. Manufacturing of Computers, Communication and Other Electronic Equipment
W. Manufacturing of Instruments and Meters
X. Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Resources
(5) Production and Supply of Electric Power, Heating Power and Fuel Gas
(6) Transportation, Warehousing and Postal Service Industries
(7) Wholesale and Retail Industries
(8) Information Transmission, Software and Information Technology Services
(9) Leasing and Commercial Service Industries
(10) Scientific Research and Technical Services
(11) Water Conservancy, Environmental, and Public Facility ManagementIndustries
(12) Education
(13) Health and Social Services
(14) Cultural, Sports and Entertainment Industries
19. Shall the projects of foreign investment apply for approval or filing? Isthe approval or filing involved with inspection as per the negative list?
A foreign-invested enterprise shall a. submit aninitial report, and b. carry out approval or filing with the NationalDevelopment and Reform Committee or the competent investment department of thelocal government; while the aforesaid two points are not the preconditions forregistration or other formalities. An enterprise during the process ofregistration will not be supervised by the National Development and ReformCommittee. However, the National Development and Reform Committee willsupervise and examine whether the enterprise is involved with the negativelist, as long as the enterprise has started to report the investment projectsfor approval and filing.
(1)A foreign-invested enterprise, whether or not involvedwith the “negative list”, does not need to handle approval of or filing withthe commercial department separately.
The ForeignInvestment Law does not authorize the commercial department to sustain approvalor filing for the foreign investment but stipulates that the state establishesa system for foreign investment information reporting. The ImplementationRegulations for Foreign Investment Law also does not endow the commercialdepartment the authority to review the conditions for the foreign investmentaccess as prescribed in the negative list, but reserves the authority of thecompetent investment department and relevant functional departments to approveand file a record. That is to say, the new system of foreign investment cancelsthe previous system of approval of and filing with the commercial department. Aforeign-invested enterprise, whether or not involved with the SpecialAdministrative Measures for Foreign Investment Access (negative list) (referredto as “negative list”), does not need to handle approval of or filing with thecommercial department separately, but shall report the investment informationinstead.
(2)Approval of or filing with the commercial department forforeign investment access is replaced with a system for foreign investmentinformation reporting
According tothe Foreign Investment InformationReporting Measures, and the Notification on the Matters Related to ForeignInvestment Information Reporting of the Ministry of Commerce, a foreigninvestor or a foreign-invested enterprise shall submit the “initial report,amendment report, cancellation report and annual report”, a total of 4 kinds ofreports, in which an initial report shall be submitted through the enterpriseregistration system, when a foreign-invested enterprise is established andregistered within the territory of China, merges a non-foreign-investedenterprise within the territory of China, or a non-foreign-invested enterpriseis amended to a foreign-invested enterprise. Notwithstanding the foregoing,investment information reporting is not the precondition for a foreign investoror a foreign-invested enterprise to handle the enterprise registration or otherformalities. The market supervision department will not examine and review theforeign investment report as well.
(3)The requirements of the National Development and Reform Committee forapproval and filing of the project still exist
Given the current supervisionsystem, a foreign-invested enterprise may be established before applying to thedevelopment and reform committee for approval and filing of the project. TheAdministrative Measures for Approval and Filing of Foreign Investment Projectsonly requires the foreign-invested enterprise to apply to the administrativeauthority at the corresponding level for approval and filing of the projects onthe fixed assets investment within the Catalogue of Investment ProjectsApproved by the Government, and to apply to the competent investment departmentof the local government for filing of the projects outside the Catalogue ofInvestment Projects Approved by the Government, and does not require theenterprise to get approval of or filing with the National Development andReform Committee before industrial and commercial registration.
The National Development andReform Committee delegates the power of approval for part of the foreigninvestment projects. According to the Catalogue of Investment Projects Approvedby the Government (2016 Version), the restricted project with total investment(including capital increase) of USD 300 million and above in the Catalogue ofIndustries for Guiding Foreign Investment shall be subject to approval of thecompetent investment department of the State Council (that is, the National Developmentand Reform Committee), and the project with total investment (including capitalincrease) of USD 2 billion and above shall be reported to the State Council forfiling. The restricted project with total investment (including capitalincrease) less than USD 300 million in the Catalogue of Industries for GuidingForeign Investment shall be subject to approval of the provincial-levelgovernment.
(4)Decision on approval of registration shall be made througha commitment by the investor, examination and review by the GeneralAdministration for Market Supervision and according to specific circumstances
The Implementation Regulationsdoes not specify the exact department to review the matters in the NegativeList. The General Administration for Market Supervision explicitly states inthe Notice on Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law for Well Performanceof Registration of a Foreign-Invested Enterprise that, “a foreign-investedenterprise shall apply for registration of the foreign-invested enterprisethrough the enterprise registration system. When applying for establishment oramendment registration of a foreign-invested enterprise, the investor shallmake a commitment regarding whether meeting the requirements of the NegativeList and truthfully select and tick the industry in the Negative List accordingto the actual situation…… the authority of registration shall examine andreview the relevant materials of application.” It can be seen that the decision on approval of registration shall be madethrough a commitment by the investor, examination and review by the GeneralAdministration for Market Supervision and according to specific circumstances. Anenterprise during the process of registration will not be supervised by theNational Development and Reform Committee. However, the National Developmentand Reform Committee will supervise and examine whether the enterprise isinvolved with the Negative List, as long as the enterprise has started toreport the investment projects for approval and filing.
(5)Other matters needingattention
If the foreign investmentbelongs to the prepositioned approval matters of industrial and commercialregistration in the “Negative List of Market Access”, the foreign-investedenterprise shall be subject to the approval of relevant government before itsindustrial and commercial registration. Moreover, in specific fields, thereremain thresholds for foreign investment access. Currently, there are stillmany restrictive measures for foreign investment in the industrialadministrative regulations, in which the Regulations on the Administration ofForeign-funded Banks, the Regulations on the Administration of InsuranceCompanies with Foreign Investment and the Regulations on the Administration ofCommercial Performance reach the level of administrative regulations. Suchprovisions explicitly specify restrictions on the investment proportion offoreign investment, where the foreign-invested enterprise cannot fulfillregistration before completion of the aforesaid business license.
20. What are the specific trends of the change of China in doing businessenvironment for foreign-invested companies?
(1)Further improve the clearanceefficiency for import and export. Carry out “advance declaration” for theimported and exported cargoes, with the enterprise to handle the formalities ofdeclaration in advance and the customs to go through the formalities of cargoinspection and clearance immediately after the cargoes are delivered to theworkplace for the customs supervision. Optimize the customs clearance mode of“two-step declaration”, allowing the enterprise to withdraw the cargoesimmediately after the enterprise conducts the “outlined declaration” and thecustoms completes the disposal of risk checking. The pilots of “direct deliveryalongside the ship” for the imported cargoes and “direct shipping upon arrivalat the port” for the exported cargoes will be implemented at the workplace forsupervision subject to relevant conditions. Implement whole-process monitoringand tracing for the inspection work, allowing the enterprise to independentlychoose accompanying inspection or not in the places with certain conditions soas to lighten the burden on enterprises. Strictly prohibit the port from takingunreasonable measures such as current limiting in a single day or controllingthe customs clearance simply.
(2)Expand the function of “singlewindow” for the international trade. Accelerate the function of “single window”extending from law enforcement for customs clearance at the port to the wholecycle chain of logistics and trade service at the port, to realize onlinepublicity and inquiry of charging standards for the port, ship agency and cargohandling. Unless in the special cases involved with secrets, the supervision certificateinvolved in the link of import and export shall be accepted through the “singlewindow” in principle, seeing the relevant departments handle respectively andperform supervision at the back end, promoting realization of the enterprise tomake the payment online and to print the certificates by themselves.
(3)Further reduce restrictions oninvestment and operation for the foreign-invested and foreign trade enterprise.Support the exported products of the foreign trade enterprise converting to thesale in the domestic market, carrying out the replacement of relevant domesticcertification with self-declaration by the foreign trade enterprise, allowingthe foreign trade enterprise to sell its products directly in the market aftermaking a written commitment regarding conforming to the domestic standards, forthose products already getting relevant international certification in linewith certification standards whose level is no lower than that of domesticstandards, and intensifying supervision in and after the event. Authorize allcities at the local level and above nationwide to carry out registration for aforeign-invested enterprise.