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上海市司法局 发布于: 分类:常见问答

1.  什么是不正当竞争行为?



2.  主要的不正当竞争行为包含哪些?


(1)  实施混淆行为,引人误认为是他人商品或与他人存在特定联系,如:




(2) 用财物或者其他手段贿赂有关单位或者个人,以谋取交易机会或者竞争优势;













3.  不正当竞争行为应当承担哪些法律责任?


l  民事责任包括:



l  行政责任包括:






l  刑事责任包括:






1.       What is an act of unfair competition?

Under the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, act of unfair competition means that in its production or distributionactivities, a business disrupts the order of market competition and causesdamage to the lawful rights and interests of the other businesses or consumers,in violation of the Law.


2.       What are the main acts of unfair competition?

Under theAnti-Unfair Competition Law, main acts of unfair competition include:

(1)  Committingthe following acts of confusion to mislead a person into believing that acommodity is one of another person or has a particular connection with anotherperson:

Usingwithout permission a label identical or similar to the name, packaging or decoration,among others, of another person’s commodity with certain influence;

Usingwithout permission another person’s name with certain influence, such as thename (including abbreviations and trade names) of an enterprise, the name(including abbreviations) of a social organization, or the name (includingpseudonyms, stage names and name translations) of an individual; and

Usingwithout permission the principal part of a domain name, the name of a website,or a web page with certain influence, among others, of another person;

(2) Seeking transaction opportunitiesor competitive edges by bribing relevant entities or individuals with propertyor by any other means;

(3) Conducting any false or misleadingcommercial publicity in respect of the performance, functions, quality, sales,users’ comments, or honors received of its commodities, among others, in orderto defraud or mislead consumers;

(4) Committing the acts of infringingtrade secrets;

(5) Conducting illegal premiumcampaigns that fall under the following circumstances:

Theinformation on the types of premiums, conditions for claiming premiums, amountof a prize, or premiums, among others, in the premium campaign is ambiguous,affecting a claim for a premium;

Conductinga premium campaign by offering non-existent premiums or intentionallypredetermining premium winners; and

In thecase of a lottery-based premium campaign, the amount of the top prize exceeds RMB50,000;

(6) Fabricating or disseminatingfalse or misleading information to damage the goodwill or product reputation ofa competitor;

(7) Committing the following acts ofinterfering with or sabotaging the normal operation of online products orservices legally provided by another business by means of network technology to affectusers’ options or otherwise:

Insertinga link or forcing a URL redirection in an online product or service legallyprovided by another business without its consent;

Misleading,defrauding, or forcing users into altering, shutting down, or uninstalling anonline product or service legally provided by another business; and

Causingin bad faith incompatibility with an online product or service legally providedby another business.


3.       What legal liability shall be assumed for an act of unfair competition?

Pursuant to theAnti-Unfair Competition Law, whoever commits an act of unfair competition shall assume civil, administrative andcriminal liabilities therefor:

l  Civil liability includes:

(1) Ceasing infringement;

(2) Paying damages. The amountof damages paid to a business that has incurred any loss due to unfaircompetition is determined based on the actual loss incurred by the business dueto infringement; if such actual loss is hard to calculate, the amount ofdamages may be determined based on the infringer’s gains from infringement. Forsuch acts of infringement of trade secrets as committed by businesses in badfaith, in serious cases, the amount of damages may be determined as more thanone time but no more than five times the amount determined with the foregoingmethods. The damages shall also include the reasonable expense paid bybusinesses for preventing infringement acts.

l  Administrative liabilityincludes:

(1) Ordering the cessation ofillegal acts;

(2) Confiscating illegalgoods;

(3) Confiscating illegalgains;

(4) Imposing a fine; and

(5) Revoking business license.

l  Criminal liability includes:

(1) [crime of offering bribesto non-government workers] Whoever gives the works of companies, enterprises orother entities a large amount of property for seeking unjust benefits shall besentenced to no more than three years in prison or criminal detention, with afine; whoever gives the works of companies, enterprises or other entities anenormous amount of property for seeking unjust benefits shall be sentenced tomore than three years but no more than ten years in prison, with a fine; and

(2) [crime of infringement of trade secrets] In case ofone of the following acts of infringement of trade secrets that causes a greatloss of the right holder of trade secrets, a fixed-term imprisonment of no morethan three years or criminal detention shall be given, with a fine as anadditional or exclusive punishment; if especially serious consequences arecaused, a fixed-term imprisonment of more than three years but no more thanseven years shall be given, with a fine:

A.          Acquiring a trade secret from theright holder by theft, bribery, coercion, or any other illicit means;

B.           Disclosing, using, or allowinganother person to use a trade secret acquired from the right holder by anymeans specified in the preceding subparagraph; and

C.           Disclosing, using, or allowinganother person to use a trade secret under its control in violation of anagreement or the requirements of the right holder for confidentiality of tradesecrets

Whoeverknows or should have known the acts specified in the preceding paragraph butstill acquires, uses, or discloses any trade secrets of others shall be deemedto have infringed such trade secrets.

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