1. 中国专利法规定的发明创造的范围有哪些?
2. 参展者为新产品申请专利时该申请什么类型?
3. 参展者拟参展的产品在除中国之外的国家或地区申请了专利,且没有通过PCT申请,也没有在中国申请专利,该产品是否可以在中国受到专利法的保护?
4. 新产品参加了展会,参加展会后又计划申请专利,此时参展者是否可以主张参展产品不丧失新颖性?在判断不丧失新颖性时需要注意的什么(展览会性质、期限、提交哪些资料)?
5. 企业新产品进入参展国,若新产品通过反向工程可以获得,也即容易被他人仿制,该采取什么方式进行保护?
6. 企业计划将新产品参加展会,并在参展国进行销售,需要注意事项?
7. 参展者在参加展会过程中,若是发现其他企业可能侵犯自己的专利权,该怎么处理?
8. 侵犯专利权的行为主要有哪些?承担哪些责任?(民事责任、行政责任、刑事责任)
l 民事责任包括:
l 行政责任包括:
l 刑事责任包括:
1. What do the invention-creations under the Patent Law of China cover?
For the purpose of the Patent Law of China, invention-creations meaninventions, utility models and designs.
Specifically, inventions mean new technical solutions proposed for aproduct, a process or the improvement thereof. Utility models mean newtechnical solutions proposed for the shape and structure of a product, or thecombination thereof, which are fit for practical use. Designs mean, withrespect to a product, new designs of the shape, pattern, or the combinationthereof, or the combination of the color with shape and pattern, which are richin an aesthetic appeal and fit for industrial application.
2. What are the types of patent applications that exhibitors may file fortheir new products?
According to the definition ofinvention-creation under the Patent Law of China, exhibitors may make theirchoices based on the specific requirements for the new products that they areto exhibit in the exhibition as follows:
For new technical solutions proposed for aproduct, a process or the improvement thereof, the invention patent may beapplied for;
For new technical solutionsproposed for the shape and structure of a product, or the combination thereof,which are fit for practical use, the utility model patent may be applied for;and
For, with respect to aproduct, new designs of the shape, pattern, or the combination thereof, or thecombination of the color with shape and pattern, which are rich in an aestheticappeal and fit for industrial application, the design patent may be appliedfor.
Also, the duration of patent right protection needsto be considered in the choice of the type of patent application. As stated inthe current Patent Law of China, the duration of patent right for inventionsshall be twenty years, and the duration of patent right for both utility modelsand designs shall be ten years. Exhibitor may apply for invention, utilitymodel and design patents at the same time, so as to protect theirinvention-creations in different aspects.
3. If a patent application has been filed in a country or region other thanChina, and neither a PCT application has been approved nor a patent applicationhas been filed in China, for a product to be exhibited by an exhibitor in theexhibition, can the product be protected by the Patent Law in China?
Now that patent rights areregional, the validity of the patent rights obtained by exhibitors outsideChina can’t extend to the territory of China, and thus they are not protectedby the Patent Law of China.
4. If a new product of an exhibitor has been displayed at an exhibition, and apatent application is going to be filed for it after the exhibition, can theexhibitor assert that the product doesn’t lose its novelty? What (nature,duration of exhibition, and materials required to be submitted) should be notedto determine a product doesn’t lose its novelty?
Article 24 of the Patent Lawof China provides that “an invention-creation for which a patent is applied fordoes not lose its novelty where, within six months beforethe date of filing, one of the following events occurred: (1) where it wasfirst exhibited at an international exhibition sponsored or recognized by the Chinesegovernment…”
The foregoing provisions applyto the China International Import Expo (CIIE), which is an exhibition sponsoredby the Chinese government. However, exhibitors should file Chinese patentapplications within six months from the date of exhibition of their products toavoid the loss of novelty thereof.
If the content of theinvention-creation contained in a new product displayed at an exhibition is notdisclosed or made public with the display of the product at the exhibition, forinstance, none of the internal structure, manufacturing method, etc of theproduct are displayed, the product will not lose its novelty because of suchdisplay.
Where a patent application isgoing to be filed for a product displayed at an exhibition after theexhibition, to determine the product doesn’t lose its novelty, the followingrequirements shall be met: First, the exhibition was held “within six monthsbefore the date of filing”. In accordance with relevant provisions of thePatent Law, for all applications submitted on site andsatisfying the criteria for acceptance, the date offiling shall be the date of submission; for all applications submitted bymail and satisfying the criteria for acceptance, the date of filing shall bethe date when the mail is sent off; where the date ofpostmark when the mail is sent off is illegible, the date of filing shallbe the date of postmark when the mail is delivered to the Patent Office; whereboth the date of postmark when the mail is sent off and the date of postmarkwhen the mail is delivered to the Patent Office are illegible, the date offiling shall be the date when the Patent Office receives the application; foran application filed by electronic means, the date of filing shall be the datewhen the electronic patent application system of the Patent Office receivespatent application documents conforming to the Patent Law and the regulationsfor the implementation thereof. Second, the exhibition is an internationalexhibition sponsored or or recognized by the Chinese government. The Guidelinesfor Patent Examination further defines the exhibition as “an international exhibition sponsored by the Chinesegovernment, including international exhibitions sponsored by the State Councilor ministries and commissions or held by other authorities or local governmentswith the approval of the State Council. The internationalexhibition recognized by the Chinese government refers to an internationalexhibition registered with or recognized by the Bureau of InternationalExpositions (BIE) as stated in the Convention on International Exhibitions.Exhibits at an international exhibition shall include the products of both thehosting country and other countries.” Third, the product must be “firstexhibited” at the exhibition.
Also, there are explicitstipulations on materials required to be submitted in the Regulations for theImplementation of the Patent Law and the Guidelines for Patent Examination:Such certification document for the display of relevant invention-creation andthe date of display as issued by relevant international exhibition shall bestated in a patent application when the application is filed, and submittedwithin two months from the date of filing. The provided certification documentshall be issued by the sponsor of the exhibition, bearing an official seal andindicating the date, venue and name of the exhibition as well as the date, formand content of display of the invention-creation.
5. If a new product of an enterprise that can be got throughreverse engineering and is easy to be imitated by others enters the hostingcountry of an exhibition, how can it be protected?
Generally, there are two waysof intellectual property protection of the technology of a new product: patentprotection, which is to make the product public in exchange for protection fromcompetition, and trade secret protection, which is toprotect the product by means of confidentiality measures, both having their ownadvantages. For new products easy to be obtained through reverse engineering and imitated, it’s not suitable to adopt trade secret protection, butsuitable to be protected by means of patent application. It should be notedthat patent is regional, and if a new productof an enterprise enters and hopes to get patent protection in the hosting country of an exhibition, the application for apatent therefor shall be filed with the Patent Office of such country and thepatent therefor shall be granted.
6. If an enterprise is going to display at an exhibition and sell in thehosting country of the exhibition its new products, what should the enterprisenote?
(1) It should search suchgranted patents and patents for which applications have been filed but thathaven’t been granted in the hosting country of theexhibition as related to its new products, make its infringement analysisand protection plan, confirm if it infringes upon or may infringe upon thepatents of others in such country, and reduce or prevent its new products frombeing displayed at the exhibition and sold in such country so as not toinfringe upon such patents of others in such country as have been granted ormay be granted in the future.
(2) It should confirm if therehave been any patent applications for the invention-creations related to itsnew products in China before the exhibition; if there have been no suchapplications, it should promptly apply for patents for its new products inChina before the exhibition.
(3) If it’s too late topromptly apply for patent in China before the exhibition, it should confirm ifrelevant invention-creations will be made public due to its participation inthe exhibition, and if the exhibition that it’s to participate in is aninternational exhibition held or recognized by the Chinese government.
(4) It should consult and knowabout the legal provisions on patent application and protection of the hosting country of the exhibition.
(5) It should confirm if therehave been any patent applications for the invention-creations related to itsnew products in the hosting country of theexhibition before the exhibition.
(6) It, if identifies anyinfringement acts of others, should fix the evidence of such acts in a timelyfashion, and handle the same in accordance with the provisions on patentprotection of the hosting country of the exhibition.
7. If exhibitors, when participating in exhibitions, find that otherenterprises may infringe upon their patents, how can it be handled?
As set forth in Article 8 ofthe Protection Measures for Intellectual Property Rights during Exhibitions, anintellectual property right holder may file acomplaint to the office in charge of intellectual property right complaintsduring an exhibition or to the intellectual property right administrativedepartment. The intellectual property right holder shall, when filing acomplaint to the office in charge of intellectual property right complaints,submit the following materials:
(1) A legitimate and effectivecertificate of intellectual property right ownership: Where any patent isinvolved therein, the patent certificate, the text of patent announcement, theidentity certification of the patent owner, and the certification on the legalstatus of the patent shall be submitted; where any trademark is involvedtherein, the certification documents of trademark registration confirmed bymeans of the signature or seal affixed by the complainant, and the identitycertification of the trademark owner shall be submitted; where any copyright isinvolved therein, the certification of the copyright and the identitycertification of the copyright owner shall be submitted;
(2) Basic information aboutthe parties suspected of having committed any infringement;
(3) Explanations and evidencesof any suspected infringement; and
(4) Where an agent isentrusted to file a complaint, the relevant power of attorney shall besubmitted.
In addition to theabove-mentioned means of complaint, exhibitors may fix the evidence ofinfringement by the infringer, directly bring a case to court, and hold theinfringer responsible for infringement.
8. What are the main patent infringement acts? What liabilities (civil,administrative and criminal liabilities) shall be taken?
Patent infringement actsinclude patent infringement acts in a narrow sense andin a broad sense.
Patent infringement acts in anarrow senserefer to acts of exploiting the patents of others without authorization,including:
(1) Withoutthe authorization of the patentee of an invention or utility model patent, manufacturing, using, offering to sell, sellor import products of the invention or utility model patent for the purpose ofproduction and business operations;
(2) Withoutthe authorization of the patentee of a patent for a process, manufacturing,using, offering to sell, sell or import products directly obtained according tothe process for the purpose of production and business operations; and
(3) Without the authorizationof the patentee of a design patent, manufacturing, sell or import products ofthe design patent for the purpose of production and business operations.
Patent infringement acts in abroad sense also include the act of indicating the number of a patent on anyproducts or the packaging thereof and selling such products without theauthorization of the patentee, i.e. the act of counterfeiting the patents ofothers.
For patent infringement acts,civil, administrative and criminal liabilities are required to be taken:
l Civil liability includes:
(1) Ceasing infringement;
(2) Paying damages. The amountof damages for the infringement of a patent shall be determined according tothe actual loss incurred by the patentee as a result of such infringement, or maybe determined according to the the infringer's gains from such infringement ifsuch actual loss is difficult to determine, or may be reasonably determined byreference to the multiples of the royalties for the patent if both the loss ofthe patentee and the gains of the infringer are difficult to determine. Theamount of damages shall cover the reasonable expenses incurred by the patenteefor stopping such infringement; and
(3) Eliminating ill effects.In case of damage to the goodwill of the patentee due to patent infringementact, the infringer shall accept liability for eliminating ill effects thereof.
l Administrative liabilityincludes:
For the act of exploiting apatent without the authorization of the patentee, as stipulated in Article 60of the Patent Law, the administration department for patent-related work, ifbelieves the infringement is established, may order the infringer to forthwithcease the infringement.
For the act of counterfeiting the patent of another person, asprescribed in Article 63 of the Patent Law, the administrative liabilityrequired to be taken includes:
(1) The administrationdepartment for patent-related work ordering the person counterfeiting thepatents of another person to put such act right and making the matter known tothe public;
(2) Confiscating unlawfulgains;
(3) Imposing a fine. A fine ofno more than four times unlawful gains may be imposed; if there are no unlawfulgains, a fine of no more than RMB 200,000 may be imposed.
l Criminal liability includes:
[crime of counterfeiting the patent of another person]Whoever counterfeits the patent of another person shall, in serious cases, besentenced to no more than three years in prison or criminal detention, subjectto a fine as an additional or